Thanksgiving Travel Plans Upended by Weather Woes

Travel Plans. Looks like Mother Nature’s got some plans to mix up Thanksgiving travel across the US this year.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), this Thanksgiving is expected to be the craziest travel time yet. They’re gearing up to screen millions of passengers each day—2.6 million on Tuesday, 2.7 million on Wednesday, and a whopping 2.9 million on Sunday!

Stormy Start

Starting Monday, a big storm is kicking off down south, bringing rain, snow, and maybe even some thunderstorms. It’ll hit the southern plains first, then move across Louisiana, Arkansas, and the Mississippi Valley. There’s even a chance for tornadoes in places like Louisiana and Mississippi! koin303

Trouble in the North

As the week goes on, the northeast and mid-Atlantic might see some airport chaos thanks to windy, rainy weather. Airports in cities like New York, Washington DC, and Philadelphia could face delays or disruptions.

Snow in the Northeast

Wednesday might bring snow to the New England states—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. That could make the roads pretty tricky.

Thanksgiving Day Forecast

Good news for Thanksgiving Day itself—it’s expected to be cool and dry across central and eastern parts of the country.

Weekend Warning

But for the weekend after Thanksgiving, people on the east coast should brace themselves for yet another storm. Meanwhile, those on the west coast might enjoy better weather.

Busiest Travel Days

Normally, the busiest days for travel in the US are the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving, plus the Sunday after. That’s when everyone’s trying to get home or go visit family. coin303

TSA’s Ready to Roll

The TSA says they’re all set for the huge crowds. Their boss, David Pekoske, mentioned they’re working closely with airlines and airports to handle the rush.

So, if you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, prepare for a bit of a rollercoaster with the weather. But don’t worry too much—the TSA’s got your back!

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